Just wait, that guy will come along and blow your mind away...
If I heard that a few months ago, I would have have just said 'Yeah' and changed the subject. It would have been easier than sitting there drowning on and on about how hopeless the situation seemed. But now? Not as hopeless.. What is this anyways? A summer thing? Just kid love? Who knows (: Either way, I'm enjoying every single second of it...
This guy is so different from every other guy I've dated, every other guy ive been involved with.. and we aren't even dating yet!! Flirting is just fine with me, I'm only 17, no rush. But honestly? He's making butterflies flutter in my tummy, and it tickles so much I'm laughing at absolutely nothing, at clear air in front of my face. This is why everyone loves crushes, why everyone loves getting involved with someone.. this feeling... It's like flying in a bubble over the busy city, with the twinking stars above you, telling you how amazing life is. It's like a million blades of grass hugging your bare feet, the sand dancing 'round your toes. Like the breeze brushing your hair across your face, the sun warming your shoulders, as the words reach your ears.. Beautiful.
I'm not sure how long this will last, how serious it will become, if it's even a good idea... but I don't care. Thats the beauty of it. You enjoy the feeling while it's here... and baby, I'm loving each and every moment. (: