No matter who you are, where you live, the situation you're in.. Everyone is lucky. That little kid laying in his run-down hun, thin as paper.. He still has his beloved little brother by his side. The sweet girl sitting alone in the corner of an orphanage, crying her eyes out as the pretty little blonde gets adopted... She has a roof over her head, and food to eat. The woman who watched her daughter die, her husband leave her side, and her parents end all contact... She prays to the Lord who stays with her all the way.
It's difficult to find the bright side of things in every sircumstance, but it can be done. Truth is.. it's up to you to find it. You can cry, and whine, and moan and groan.. but Until you look around and see how lucky you are, you won't be happy. And face it.. Everyone wants to be happy.