Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Born or By Choice?

My Psychology teacher came upon the subject of gay/lesbian couples in society. Something he said set off a few students, first Devlyn, then Becky, and finally Matt. My teacher, Mr. Bay, informed us that being gay/lesbian was a choice said person made. His argument told us people decided to be gay/lesbian and therefore was... Devlyn, however, spoke up. (with courage, I may add, because Mr. Bay is really good at constructive arguments, such as this...) She told us people were born to be gay/lesbian. They have no choice, they think how they think and that's how it is. Becky agreed with Devlyn, placing additional ideas that aren't as important to the discussion. Matt, however, brought science into the discussion. He began describing the different chemicals in our bodies, and how when these chemicals are given off, you have urges.. And those who's chemicals give off for same sex are gay/lesbian.. therefore born with it. He also added several unimpressive examples that Mr. Bay proceeded to shoot down for their weakness.. Mr. Bay gave different reasons a person would become gay/lesbian.. (1. No need for opposing sex, 2. Influenced ideas from parents, both gay and streight, friends, others... 3. In search for a chance to see opposing sex, such as boys becoming gay so they can use the female locker room and see girls... etc...) He also added that due to the fact two men, or two women, failed to give birth to children on their own, they cannot be considered a family. He linked this to animals... saying a woman marrying a woman is like a woman marrying a horse. Neither can give birth to become a family. This discussion went on for a good amount of time, and really got me, and I'm sure everyone else, thinking about the subject...
I would like your opinion. Are people gay/lesbian because they are born that way? Or is it their choice to become gay/lesbian for whatever reason, even if not listen above..? I personally know my opinion, and stand by it firmly, and if anyone wishes to know mine I can post a followup later about this discussion and include that. I do not wish to give that out now, though, just in case it somehow influences the feedback on this. But anyways... Give me some feedback, people! Just tell me your opinion, any reasons you have for feeling that way, any examples that led you to thinking that, anything related to the topic. Please no hate comments, I do not mean any disrespect towards gay/lesbian couples, as this is just a discussion.
Thanks for reading! (:

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Pencil Sketch/ Phsychology

I'm getting so much inspiration from my art classes... The above sketch is what came out of it all! Now I'm working on perfecting faces in my drawing class, I'm working with oil pastels in painting, and helping the begining clay students wedge their clay in, yep, you guessed it.. clay class! (: My teacher even went as far as to let me spend my lunch in there! (the few friends I actually have, all go to a school program that eliminated their lunch time) So me and Mr. G spent lunch together today, and boy does the man like to talk... Everything from a friend sculpting brass, to some guy owning a hunting store, to him swearing to himself in his backyard one day! The guy's my alltime favorite teacher, and he trusts me so much from experice. I mean I've taken so many of his classes. (painting 3 times, clay 3 times, drawing twice, claymation once, and into to visual arts once) I guess you could call me dedicated...
Thats right! I'm digging deep in my noodle in my Phsychology class. I'm absolutely loving it.. The fact that it is unlike any other class I've taken (in both material and the way it's presented) makes it fantabulicious.. and yes, its good enough to have words made up for it. My teacher is so funny, too! I have a good feeling I'm going to benefit from this class in a huge, personal way...
I'm gonna say it again... any suggestions, I'm willing to hear them! I really want my blog to be something other than me talking about what I'm doing every day, because I have a feeling that will get boring. So, yeah, let me know! (:

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Day One... Complete!

I've survived my first day as a Senior! Yay (: Not like I thought I wouldnt... But let's face it. Today was a long day.
There's a thing at my school called "Senioritus" which is a 'disease' that seniors get. Apparently, it causes them to lose all motivation for school, and the work that comes with it, and tempts seniors to skip school and be lazy. I DO NOT believe in Senioritus... It's a load of bull fur (like my way around swearing?!?) and I feel there is no need for any person to settle for less than their best.
I'm super psyched about my art classes! I have three in a row (with the exception of lunch thrown in there) and I'm excited to expand my skills! I will, if you feel you'd like that, post up some of my projects for you to see... I'd love feedback from another group of people! It can only help me improve.
I've noticed I run out of topics to talk about very easily... If any of you have any suggestions on topics for me to discuss, just stick them in a comment and I'll get back to you or post about your topic. Absolutely anything is allowed (minus the obvious topics, such as my personal life in detail) and I really really hope to get some good ideas!!

Monday, September 5, 2011

A Long Awaited Update...

I realise I've been gone for a while, and I wish I hadn't been... but I'm back now, and there is so much to share...
I have been informed recently that my grandfather is very ill... he has struggled with many different medical obsticles over the past 11 years, and it is now assumed that he won't last much longer. As a result of this, my mother, as well as a few of her sisters, have been staying there to keep an eye on him and manage his medication. I haven't seen my mom as much as I would like, but I understand where she needs to be. I hope if anyone else is in a similar situation that they are patient and take the time to try and understand what each person needs to do, as well as what they feel their responsibilities are... that is what I'm trying to do. But in the meantime, I help out as much as I can.
I love you, Papa... you're stronger than all of us combined, and that alone makes you my hero...
Tomorrow is my first day of school... My last, first day of high school. The time as flown by so quickly, and I feel as if blinking will make this year go by without me even realising it. My goals for this year are to improve my artistic skills as well as get together some pieces for a portfolio, improve my school gpa, work on myself as a person, and grow up a little bit... I know, in the end, it'll all work out.
I've hurt my best friend recently. It's a long story, one that I believe wouldn't be to interesting for a few bloggers checking in for a quick read. (yes, I do realise this post isn't exactly a 'quick read') In a general look at things, I was upset that he was forgetting about me a bit while talking to another friend of his. It was selfish of me, and I shouldn't have done such a thing. But now, I had the chance to catch a look at how he's doing, and it helped me realise what I should have been doing rather than what I was doing to him. I guess what I'm trying to say is... if you're getting mad at someone, a friend, family member... Before yelling at them, or ignoring them, or whatever it is you're doing, take a break and step back. Look at things from their point of view, and instead of looking out for yourself, look out for them. Help them if they're struggling, and try to understand they have things going on as well. Be patient (which is something I'm horrible at...) and be there for them. That's what I feel a friend should do.
I went and visited my cousins for a week and a half (because they do live a few hours away) and while I was there, we visited a little antiques shop. The place was so beautiful to me. It almost seemed magical.. The stories of so many people, so many places, different times.. All wrapped up in a few walls with a door. Glass cups and plates and bowls, dolls, wall hangings, lamps, books, boxes, old toys... I couldn't even name everything, and I'll bet in the times we went in there, I didn't even see everything, not even close... In the end, I fell in love with a wooden box. Carved on the top and the sides, birds flying and plants and lines on the edges. It's a beautiful box, one that I'm now happy to say I own. If anyone wishes to see it, I can post a photo... Just let me know. (:
One last thing.. Yes, I did change the look again. I have a feeling I will be doing that a lot, but if anyone has any suggestions, just let me know. I want The Tip of a Star to be appealing to my followers, as well as visitors coming to say hello... (:
So, that's about it! Any comments, you know where to put them.. and Thanks for reading!

Monday, August 1, 2011

Everyone is Lucky..

No matter who you are, where you live, the situation you're in.. Everyone is lucky. That little kid laying in his run-down hun, thin as paper.. He still has his beloved little brother by his side. The sweet girl sitting alone in the corner of an orphanage, crying her eyes out as the pretty little blonde gets adopted... She has a roof over her head, and food to eat. The woman who watched her daughter die, her husband leave her side, and her parents end all contact... She prays to the Lord who stays with her all the way.
It's difficult to find the bright side of things in every sircumstance, but it can be done. Truth is.. it's up to you to find it. You can cry, and whine, and moan and groan.. but Until you look around and see how lucky you are, you won't be happy. And face it.. Everyone wants to be happy.

Friday, July 29, 2011


When I was little, my older sister would come home from the library with a huge stack of books in her hands. She'd read and read, and she loved it. Being a little sister, I wanted to do what my big sis did.. so I read and read as well, and guess what? I fell in love. I'm a bookworm, and proud of it!
I just finished reading "My Sister's Keeper" by Jodi Picoult.. if you haven't read this book yet, you really should read it. The story is so fantastic, and the ending is such a shocker.. But I wont give it away (: Even if you've seen the movie already, read the book.. it's different. It's BETTER! Trust me.. just read it (:

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Loner or Loser?

Its incredible how close the two words are... Half the people I know would say loners are losers... Why would ANYONE be content with being alone all the time? But if you think about it, they aren't content. I know I'm not.
If you meet a loner, no matter what they tell you, it's not because they enjoy the solitude. It's because they have tried to blend into the world before, and people continue to disappoint them.
- Jodi Picoult, "My Sister's Keeper"
I didn't ask to be a loner. I never pushed people away, saying "No, I want to be alone, and have no friends." No one asks for that.. it just happens. So what's the next step? You deal with it... I don't like being alone, I'm USED to being alone. I don't enjoy having no one to hang out with, I'm USED to being in my room and at home all the time. After a while, being a loner becomes who you are. You accept it as your life. Is that right? No, probably not.. It's probably wrong to accept not having friends, or accept not going out with people... But it's what I'll do to make myself happy. And as of now? That's all I really want.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Watercolor Painting....

I really, truly, am in love with art. The whole concept of it... Colors, blending, contrast, everything... I've been learning a lot from painting, and drawing, and growing in my art. I keep thinking I'll learn some great life lesson from my experiences with it, but I'm still waiting... I wonder what my purpose is for having the talent. I got told this weekend I have a natural talent for art... But what good is having a natural talent, if there's no purpose for having it?

Sunday, July 24, 2011

New Look!

I felt a new look would uplift things a bit, and I hope you find it enjoyable... Please give me your opinions on The Tip of a Star's new design! (: Thank you so much..

Friday, July 22, 2011

The Game Plan!

First I want to say thank you to those supporting me, including my friends here at home, and my followers here in the Blog world. (:
Just to update a bit here... I did figure out how to post a comment haha, and I guess my blonde roots were sticking out a little bit there. But I'm excited I figured that out! I also want to touch up on being positive... It has been one day, and although it hasn't been long, I feel small steps are far better than no steps, or walking backwards. (: I'm currently reading a book called "The Power of a Positive Teen" in which I am learning how to become a better person, not only for myself, but for my Lord and Savior, who without I would have nothing. I am also focusing on the positives of those around me, or being non judgemental. I feel that would help me very much. Another idea I had was... making a 'Project Positive' board, where I can look to remind myself of being positive, and on which would be positive quotes, uplifting Bible verses, and cheerful photos of myself and my friends and family. If anyone has done something similar to that, if you could tell me if that was helpful or not, that'd be fantastic.
I actually have a few questions for my readers... If there are any crafts, or activities, or anything you feel I could work on that would help me, please let me know by commenting below. I would love to stay busy to keep my mind upbeat. I also considered making a post per chapter for "The Power of a Positive Teen" in which I could focus on the message, and give my take on it, etc. I was just wondering if anyone would find that of good use to them? There wouldn't be much point of me writing about it if no one got anything from it. (:
So yeah, thats what's going on so far! I'm super excited about what I have planned (: and Again, please comment any ideas, thoughts, suggestions, questions ANYTHING.. and I will get back to you soon! Enjoy your day.. (:

Thursday, July 21, 2011

I need to work on myself.

While visiting youtube, I found a video of a teenage girl. She was addressing what she called "haters" and their comments to herself and her videos. Their comments, in which they called her "ugly", "fat", and then went on to describe the reasons she was unnatractive, as well as adding that she was "full of herself" and thought of herself as perfect. The girl, named Megan, then gave her words of wisdom to her viewers. At a young age, Megan realised someone would always dislike her, even if she did nothing to them. To her, being the best person she can be isn't about pleasing those who dislike her, but about being true to herself, having a good heart towards others, and doing her part in the "haters'" game by not participating.
Watching Megan talk inspired me. I know I have problems that I need to address. I am incredibly negative, and have extremely low self esteem. Living with such issues will get me no where in life. Being unhappy is just that... not happy. I am ready to make a change. I need to work on myself. My journey will exist in my life, as well as here on my blog, The Tip of a Star. Please feel free to join me, make any comments you wish (although, like Megan, I do not appreciate "haters", and please know any negative comments will be deleted), and offer any words of advise for me as I begin my journey to making myself a better person. Thank you so much for reading. (:
On another note, Thank you so much to everyone who has commented on my posts. I am extremely grateful for your comments. For some reason, I cannot seem to figure out commenting on my own posts. I end up going in circles. So, while I work on that, I'm sorry for not responding to you there, and I hope you all read this so you can see I truly am gratefull for the comments, and, please continue commenting, suggest my blog to any friends you feel would recieve something from me, and Thanks again! (:

Monday, July 11, 2011

The Trap of Mr. Negative

He's sneaky, Mr. Negative. He creeps up on me, and Ohh Boy, does he catch me in his grasp. He's strong, Mr. Negative. That guy can hold onto me for days, and getting free would be equal in comparrison to a fly freeing itself from the hold of a venus fly-trap. You've met him, as have I. He's held you in the same hands that hold me. He wouldn't let you go, either, I'm sure of it..
How did you get out? Did your friend pull you free? Perhaps you laughed so much, the shaking of your chest tickled his palm, forcing him to free you. Maybe you're stronger than he is. Ohh I sure hope you are. 'Cause I'm telling you... that Mr. Negative, he's one strong fella. One sneaky, strong fella...

Sunday, July 10, 2011


When you loved me,
I was a candle,
and you were my owner.
You lit me up,
and made me shine bright.
You admired me,
and adored me.
But then you got bored,
you blew me out.
And left me sitting there,
all alone in the dark.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

That Urge To Run and Never Come Back...

It's here. I'm scared. I want to run and never come back. Beginings are scary, endings are sad, but the middle makes it all worth it. Sometimes I feel like it's all a joke, all a dream... I fear I will grow attatched to him, but he won't attatch to me... It leaves me frightened, in fear of a spear slicing through my heart and mind in searing pain. But there's no way to avoid that, is there? After all... There would be no joy with the lack of pain and sorrow..

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

When the Rain Falls, The Colors of Our World Blend Together...

Yes, that's right... everything blends together. Beautifully, too... Like dancing to loud rock music when youre home alone, or summer's green leaves fading to fire over time. Simply beautiful, that's what rain is to me. Rain cleans the world and brings fresh scents of wet grass and fresh mud. When it rains, the stars fall out of the sky... and when it slinks down your window pane, it fogs up your vision.. and Yes, the Colors of Our World Blend Together, Beautifully...

Just today I have finished my first serious watercolor painting... the way the colors blend have inspired this post, and I feel sharing my painting as well is an excellent way of showing you the wonders a bit of water can do...

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Some Days, You Will, Be Loved...

Just wait, that guy will come along and blow your mind away...
If I heard that a few months ago, I would have have just said 'Yeah' and changed the subject. It would have been easier than sitting there drowning on and on about how hopeless the situation seemed. But now? Not as hopeless.. What is this anyways? A summer thing? Just kid love? Who knows (: Either way, I'm enjoying every single second of it...
This guy is so different from every other guy I've dated, every other guy ive been involved with.. and we aren't even dating yet!! Flirting is just fine with me, I'm only 17, no rush. But honestly? He's making butterflies flutter in my tummy, and it tickles so much I'm laughing at absolutely nothing, at clear air in front of my face. This is why everyone loves crushes, why everyone loves getting involved with someone.. this feeling... It's like flying in a bubble over the busy city, with the twinking stars above you, telling you how amazing life is. It's like a million blades of grass hugging your bare feet, the sand dancing 'round your toes. Like the breeze brushing your hair across your face, the sun warming your shoulders, as the words reach your ears.. Beautiful.
I'm not sure how long this will last, how serious it will become, if it's even a good idea... but I don't care. Thats the beauty of it. You enjoy the feeling while it's here... and baby, I'm loving each and every moment. (: