Saturday, July 9, 2011

That Urge To Run and Never Come Back...

It's here. I'm scared. I want to run and never come back. Beginings are scary, endings are sad, but the middle makes it all worth it. Sometimes I feel like it's all a joke, all a dream... I fear I will grow attatched to him, but he won't attatch to me... It leaves me frightened, in fear of a spear slicing through my heart and mind in searing pain. But there's no way to avoid that, is there? After all... There would be no joy with the lack of pain and sorrow..

1 comment:

  1. Fear is only an illusion caused by misplaced trust in "bad" things happening.When fear is faced head on we then realize it was not something to be fearful of in the first place."HUGS" to you my friend
