Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Born or By Choice?

My Psychology teacher came upon the subject of gay/lesbian couples in society. Something he said set off a few students, first Devlyn, then Becky, and finally Matt. My teacher, Mr. Bay, informed us that being gay/lesbian was a choice said person made. His argument told us people decided to be gay/lesbian and therefore was... Devlyn, however, spoke up. (with courage, I may add, because Mr. Bay is really good at constructive arguments, such as this...) She told us people were born to be gay/lesbian. They have no choice, they think how they think and that's how it is. Becky agreed with Devlyn, placing additional ideas that aren't as important to the discussion. Matt, however, brought science into the discussion. He began describing the different chemicals in our bodies, and how when these chemicals are given off, you have urges.. And those who's chemicals give off for same sex are gay/lesbian.. therefore born with it. He also added several unimpressive examples that Mr. Bay proceeded to shoot down for their weakness.. Mr. Bay gave different reasons a person would become gay/lesbian.. (1. No need for opposing sex, 2. Influenced ideas from parents, both gay and streight, friends, others... 3. In search for a chance to see opposing sex, such as boys becoming gay so they can use the female locker room and see girls... etc...) He also added that due to the fact two men, or two women, failed to give birth to children on their own, they cannot be considered a family. He linked this to animals... saying a woman marrying a woman is like a woman marrying a horse. Neither can give birth to become a family. This discussion went on for a good amount of time, and really got me, and I'm sure everyone else, thinking about the subject...
I would like your opinion. Are people gay/lesbian because they are born that way? Or is it their choice to become gay/lesbian for whatever reason, even if not listen above..? I personally know my opinion, and stand by it firmly, and if anyone wishes to know mine I can post a followup later about this discussion and include that. I do not wish to give that out now, though, just in case it somehow influences the feedback on this. But anyways... Give me some feedback, people! Just tell me your opinion, any reasons you have for feeling that way, any examples that led you to thinking that, anything related to the topic. Please no hate comments, I do not mean any disrespect towards gay/lesbian couples, as this is just a discussion.
Thanks for reading! (:


  1. First off, you can change your blog settings so that people can comment without Google ID or anonymously.

    And about the talk, I think those homosexuals who really love to be, not just pretending, are somehow carrying homosexuality gene, and that's why they cannot feel the same about the opposite sex.
    If your teacher claims that some events can play role in being gay/lesbian, so why homosexuals rarely change their minds, knowing that a great percentage of strait people living around them IS a dominant force for everybody to be a strait.

  2. Oh really? How would I go about doing that...?
    I guess I'm not sure what you're saying exactly... Is it that straight individuals place pressure on gay/lesbian individuals?

  3. Not directly. In fact there is a big tendency of being strait when you are born in a strait-oriented society. So the pressure exists, but those gay/lesbian individuals keep their orientation because they didn't obtain it via their parents' teachings etc.

    & for settings:
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    good luck ;)

  4. Oohh.. well that makes sense now. Thanks for clearing that up haha (:

    Haha Thank you, both for commenting and telling me how to change those settings... Good luck to you too!(:
