Monday, September 5, 2011

A Long Awaited Update...

I realise I've been gone for a while, and I wish I hadn't been... but I'm back now, and there is so much to share...
I have been informed recently that my grandfather is very ill... he has struggled with many different medical obsticles over the past 11 years, and it is now assumed that he won't last much longer. As a result of this, my mother, as well as a few of her sisters, have been staying there to keep an eye on him and manage his medication. I haven't seen my mom as much as I would like, but I understand where she needs to be. I hope if anyone else is in a similar situation that they are patient and take the time to try and understand what each person needs to do, as well as what they feel their responsibilities are... that is what I'm trying to do. But in the meantime, I help out as much as I can.
I love you, Papa... you're stronger than all of us combined, and that alone makes you my hero...
Tomorrow is my first day of school... My last, first day of high school. The time as flown by so quickly, and I feel as if blinking will make this year go by without me even realising it. My goals for this year are to improve my artistic skills as well as get together some pieces for a portfolio, improve my school gpa, work on myself as a person, and grow up a little bit... I know, in the end, it'll all work out.
I've hurt my best friend recently. It's a long story, one that I believe wouldn't be to interesting for a few bloggers checking in for a quick read. (yes, I do realise this post isn't exactly a 'quick read') In a general look at things, I was upset that he was forgetting about me a bit while talking to another friend of his. It was selfish of me, and I shouldn't have done such a thing. But now, I had the chance to catch a look at how he's doing, and it helped me realise what I should have been doing rather than what I was doing to him. I guess what I'm trying to say is... if you're getting mad at someone, a friend, family member... Before yelling at them, or ignoring them, or whatever it is you're doing, take a break and step back. Look at things from their point of view, and instead of looking out for yourself, look out for them. Help them if they're struggling, and try to understand they have things going on as well. Be patient (which is something I'm horrible at...) and be there for them. That's what I feel a friend should do.
I went and visited my cousins for a week and a half (because they do live a few hours away) and while I was there, we visited a little antiques shop. The place was so beautiful to me. It almost seemed magical.. The stories of so many people, so many places, different times.. All wrapped up in a few walls with a door. Glass cups and plates and bowls, dolls, wall hangings, lamps, books, boxes, old toys... I couldn't even name everything, and I'll bet in the times we went in there, I didn't even see everything, not even close... In the end, I fell in love with a wooden box. Carved on the top and the sides, birds flying and plants and lines on the edges. It's a beautiful box, one that I'm now happy to say I own. If anyone wishes to see it, I can post a photo... Just let me know. (:
One last thing.. Yes, I did change the look again. I have a feeling I will be doing that a lot, but if anyone has any suggestions, just let me know. I want The Tip of a Star to be appealing to my followers, as well as visitors coming to say hello... (:
So, that's about it! Any comments, you know where to put them.. and Thanks for reading!

1 comment:

  1. May the peace and love from the Universe envelop you and your family especially in this time of sickness.
