Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Day One... Complete!

I've survived my first day as a Senior! Yay (: Not like I thought I wouldnt... But let's face it. Today was a long day.
There's a thing at my school called "Senioritus" which is a 'disease' that seniors get. Apparently, it causes them to lose all motivation for school, and the work that comes with it, and tempts seniors to skip school and be lazy. I DO NOT believe in Senioritus... It's a load of bull fur (like my way around swearing?!?) and I feel there is no need for any person to settle for less than their best.
I'm super psyched about my art classes! I have three in a row (with the exception of lunch thrown in there) and I'm excited to expand my skills! I will, if you feel you'd like that, post up some of my projects for you to see... I'd love feedback from another group of people! It can only help me improve.
I've noticed I run out of topics to talk about very easily... If any of you have any suggestions on topics for me to discuss, just stick them in a comment and I'll get back to you or post about your topic. Absolutely anything is allowed (minus the obvious topics, such as my personal life in detail) and I really really hope to get some good ideas!!

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